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UTS NTEU members holding banners during their strike

Conversion to continuing

(professional staff)


Agreement Clause 10.24 – A staff member on a fixed term contract may apply to convert their employment to continuing employment in their current position provided that the following criteria are met:

(a) the staff member’s period of employment under fixed term contracts has exceeded 2 years of Continuous Service; and

(b) the staff member was originally or subsequently appointed to the position through an open and competitive selection process.


How do you enforce your right to conversion?

Eligible fixed term staff are required to submit a formal request for conversion to continuing employment. Provided certain criteria are met, the University cannot unreasonably refuse a request for conversion.

Why it pays to be union-

As an NTEU member, union reps and staff can help you understand your eligibility for conversion and provide guidance and support through the application process. NTEU members can also access union assistance appealing unsatisfactory outcomes if necessary. If you stand with us, we’ll stand by you.


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